esttab (ssc install esttab) and other commands make outputting standard results from Stata directly to LaTeX easy. I find that about once per project I want to tabulate something that isn’t obvious in the documentation. While it’s tempting to just copy and paste results from one place to another, in the interest of reproducible research, I try to find a minimally kludgy approach to automating the output.1

When I can’t find good examples of how to do this on the forums, I usually put together a brief example and post it here. This is as much for my benefit as for yours. Please email if you have questions or thoughts about any of these topics.

  1. In all the important discussions about reproducible research, I think one astounding regularity goes undiscussed. It is that in recent high-profile retractions, the party that ultimately fails to reproduce published results is the actual authors of the study. While honest and unnoticed mistakes in tabulation may not explain every such error, I believe that they are entirely preventable, thus my obsession with automating the tabulation step.