
Pay for Prudence
(with Salman Arif, John Donovan, Yadav Gopalan)
Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2023

Financial Shocks to Lenders and the Composition of Financial Covenants
(with Hans Christensen, Daniele Macciocchi, and Valeri Nikolaev)
Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2022

Political Information Flow and Management Guidance
(with Dane Christensen, Beverly Walther, and Laura Wellman)
Review of Accounting Studies, 2022

Working Papers:

Renegotiation Costs and Debt Contract Design
(with Scott Dyreng, and Elia Ferracuti)
R&R at the Accounting Review

Individual Mortgage Lending, Public Corruption, Race and Gender: Evidence from Local Corruption Crack-Downs
(with Albert Mensah, Han Stice, and Roger White)

Option Grants and Risky Projects: A Reputation-Based Perspective
Best Management Accounting Paper AAA Annual Meeting, August, 2018