notes by topic



3 minute read

Easy subsample comparisons with esttab.


2 minute read

Installing .ado files in general–psacalc2 in particular.


1 minute read

This post is the first in a series of posts based on answers to questions I get frequently via email.


2 minute read

I’m always hunting for ways to make my work more efficient, error free, and reproducible. I’m particularly obsessed with pipelines that eliminate inconsisten...


2 minute read

A simple SIR model of Hong Kong’s Omicron outbreak.


2 minute read

While modeling disclosure timing for Political Information Flow and Management Guidance, I felt like the rough and ready reduced-form regression approach tha...


1 minute read

foreground a stopped job in zsh:


1 minute read

Indicating fixed effects with reghdfe is relatively straightforward if you use estfe. However, when you try to report the first stage of estimates from ivreg...


1 minute read

Using the excellent eventstudyinteract this morning and needed to pipe the results to esttab rather than coefplot. A quick Google lead to this which seemed m...


3 minute read

Stata has some sharp edges. This the second it a series of posts about the things that Stata does by default that you probably don’t want it to do!


2 minute read

Safe fixed effect indication in Stata.


1 minute read

A really simple “todo” list command line tool.

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less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow I’ll be presenting a recent working paper exploring regulatory uncertainty and financial contracts at the Hong Kong University of Science and Techno...


less than 1 minute read

I’ll be in Denver, CO on the 18th and 19th discussing two excellent papers.


less than 1 minute read

I’m giving a talk at the South West University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu. The paper I’ll be presenting is a relatively new exploration of regulator...


less than 1 minute read

I’m giving a talk at Hong Kong Baptist University, which will introduce a new paper about regulatory uncertainty and financial contracts. Slides are posted; ...


less than 1 minute read

At AAA this week I’ll be discussing three interesting papers: Shielding from the Pandemic: COVID-19 Exclusion Provision in Debt Contracts The Effects of...


less than 1 minute read

My coauthor, Scott Dyreng, will be presenting our paper with Elia Ferracuti Renegotiation Costs and Debt Contract Design at the Ohio State University on the...


less than 1 minute read

I’ll be in Kazakhstan with the undergraduate recruiting team from the 7th to the 12th of November recruiting students. We will be giving a public talk in Alm...


less than 1 minute read

On 2202.09.03 I’ll be presenting a talk based on my paper Individual Mortgage Lending, Public Corruption, Race and Gender: Evidence from Local Corruption Cra...


less than 1 minute read

My coauthor, Yadav Gopalan, will be giving a presentation based on our paper “Pay for Prudence” (with Salman Arif, and John Donovan) at the 2022 Colorado Sum...


less than 1 minute read

I’ll be giving a presentation based on my paper “Pay for Prudence” (with Salman Arif, John Donovan, and Yadav Gopalan) at the 2022 Virginia Tech Accounting R...


less than 1 minute read

I’ll be giving a talk based on my recently published paper “Financial Shocks to Lenders and the Composition of Financial Covenants” (with Hans Christensen, ...


less than 1 minute read

I’ll be giving a talk at the Yale Conference on Law and Macroeconomics about the effect of local corruption laws on inequality in mortgage markets, based on ...


less than 1 minute read

I’ll be giving a workshop at the SMU School of Accounting about how firms use option grants to address executives’ reputation concerns.


less than 1 minute read

My co-author Yadav Gopalan will be presenting our paper “Pay for Prudence”, written with Salman Arif, John Donovan, at the 33rd Annual Accounting Research Co...

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10 minute read

The stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA).


1 minute read

My paper “Pay for Prudence” with Yadav Gopalan, John Donovan, and Salman Arif is now available online at the Journal of Accounting and Economics.

2 minute read

The invasion1 of Ukraine by Putin’s Russia2 has solidified two simple things in my mind.3 I’m posting this on the data of the beginning of Pu...


less than 1 minute read

“Financial Shocks to Lenders and the Composition of Financial Covenants” my paper with Hans Christensen, Daniele Macciocchi, and Valeri Nikolaev is now in ...


3 minute read

The ‘box’ in The Box by Marc Levinson is a shipping container.


1 minute read

Learning some ‘C’ is worth your time.

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