

what if a.g.i. turns us all into paperclips?


we just want a control system

doom = False 
while not doom: 
  doom = are_you_a_paperclip(everybody)

what is a firm?

why is a firm?

who is asking?

founder? inventor? investor?

who is asking?

employee? citizen? society?

the friedman doctrine

“The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits.”

someone has to tell you this

there was a debate.

milton friedman won.

business school in one slide


where $\pi=revenue - costs$

what is a firm?

a box that turns inputs into profits

why is a firm?

to turn inputs into profits

what could go wrong?

what if the economy turns us all into paperclips

look for missing control systems

or someone else will do it for you