I teach Advanced Managerial Accounting at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). I research the relationships that form within and across the boundaries of the firm, how stakeholders use contracts to formalize these relationships, and how those contracts shape behavior.
Before taking my current position in Hong Kong, I taught at NYU - Shanghai where I was an Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow.
Which topics will be examined and which are the focus of our revision?
And how’s the format of our mid-term?
Do we use electronic devices for excel/python problems?
Also, how would the questions look like? ( we cannot use Excel at that time!)
Will midterm format be MC or LQ questions?
will real and finance assets and economics of agency be covered in midterm?
Will we be asked for definition of implicit tax sth similar like that?
Do we need to remember the formulae?
In class you mentioned that you will ask questions on our intuition and understanding of key concepts.
However, noting that most of the canvas problems require Excel for computations,
does it mean we have to recite some sort of functions (such as functions for marginal cost, shadow prices, etc.) as well?
There is no need to memorize and recite formulas for marginal cost and shadow prices. This is because every cost function has it's own marginal cost, and—if constrained—its own shadow price.
If given a cost function you should be able to determine the marginal cost, and if given a constrained maximization problem you should be able to articulate what the shadow price is. You will not be asked to derive or calculate the shadow price.
Will the solutions of the problem sets be disclosed?
is it possible for you to provide the full answers for the assignments?
I saw your PowerPoint and it said that you would ask us to explain the steps instead of giving out the answer. So do I answer by telling you how to do the question by explaining what would I do with excel?
This is the sort of thing that I will ask you to do, but I won't ask for you to do the actual calculations. I'm more interested in whether you understand which information you need to use and how to use it.
Key insight: at the extremes linear approximations are not useful, and $MC\neq IC$
could you give us some sample answer about "What is the economic significance of nonlinearities in the cost functions"? since i cannot find that in the slide.
In problem set 5, you mentioned that if two products are inseparable, then the marginal cost will be 36, not 30, could you explain again why it is 36? (I just missed that part, sorry about that)
Could you explain what is implicit rate and why ignoring implicit taxes leads to overestimation of the risk premium applicable to corporate debt?
Lecture 7 – Capital budgeting example
Option 1 - Why is space-related cost -650080 not -650050
Lecture 8 Excel example– Question 3 sheet
why is Tax deduction benefit on interest that could have been avoided: Interest payments avoided tax rate as opposed to cash flow of SPDA at age 44.5 (1+11%)^15
why is Option 1 Benefit with tax deduction mortgage payments avoided - cash flow at 59.5 deducting cash flow as opposed to cash flow of SPDA at age 44.5 - mortgage payments avoided
I have a question regarding the following sentences in chapter 8 about tax shields. "When the pre-tax yields on munis and taxable debt equilibrate, say at 8%, then it become possible for all entities that face a positive explicit rate of tax to generate sufficient deductions to eliminate all tax payments."
Is it intuition here to issue taxable bonds, and use the money from the bond to buy muni bonds, that is lending money to those tax-exempt organizations, so the interest income earned from the money lent will be tax-free?
This is correct, but initially—if municipal bonds are scarce--two things prevent taxes from being eliminated.
Notice what happens if there is an implicit tax. Yields are lower, which means that those who can issue municipal bonds have access to low-cost debt which they can in turn lend to higher tax organizations and individuals and make a risk-free profit.
This is an arbitrage opportunity. This will attract more and more municipal lenders who all supply more and more debt until municipal bonds are no longer scarce. Since both things that prevent taxes from being eliminated depend on scarcity now:
In practice the amount of debt needed to do this is orders of magnitude higher than the amount of municipal debt that is actually in the market.
I also want to ask if I issue bonds, then should I pay the tax or the lender who lends the money to me should pay the tax on interest?
This is a great question! When you issue a bond you get an asset (the money you borrowed) and a liability (your responsibility to pay that money back). This means that the borrower (you) gets no income from issuing a bond, and thus nothing to tax. The borrower also makes interest payments (shows up as interest expense on your books) to the lender (shows up as interest income on their books) these interest payments are taxable income for the lender.
"Cost in a Multiproduct Firm Part 2 for tomorrow’s review session?"
The main takeaways of I got from lecture 4 (P4) are : there are synergy for the company to produce 2 products if there are idle capacities,
and we will decide the outputs based on the binding constraint K.
You manage a two-product firm. The production technology requires a mixture of capital and labor to produce each product. Capital is shared, while labor is specific to each of the two products. For the first product, capital ($K \geq 0$) and labor ($L_1 \geq 0$) must satisfy the following, in order to produce $q_1$ units: $q_{1} \leq \sqrt{KL_{1}}$. Likewise, producing $q_2$ units of the second product requires capital ($K$) and labor (now $L_2 \geq 0$) such that: $q_2 \leq\sqrt{KL_2}$. In addition, total capital is limited to a maximum of 200 units. (So $K \leq 200$.) Naturally, $K$, $L_1$, $L_2$ are all required to be non-negative. Capital costs 100 per unit, labor for the first product costs 140 per unit and labor for the second product costs 175 per unit. The first product sells for 275 per unit, and the second sells for 300 per unit.
$q_{1} \leq \sqrt{KL_{1}}$ this means that the amount of $q$ you get from each additional unit of labor increases with K, but at a decreasing rate (this is because of the square root). So there are two factors driving the changes in marginal cost:
The effect of the marginal unit on the consumption of capital. You can see this in the tables at the end of Lecture 4
Let's refer to the prices as "P", and the labor and capital costs as "C" $$ \Pi(P,C) \equiv 275 \times q_1 - 140 \times L_1 - 100 \times K $$ $$ q_1 \leq \sqrt{L_1 \times K} $$ $$ K \leq \bar{K} = 200 $$
This makes it seem like we have more choices than we actually have. The constraint (production function) makes it so that we can only choose two of K, q1, and l1.
How do we choose the optimal production plan?
There are a number of approaches, I'm going to show you a very general python solver. This will be useful for those of you that are using python, I want the rest of you to focus on the steps we are taking so you can apply them to whatever solver you like. (Excel example will be posted soon)
# set up the solver
from gekko import GEKKO
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
# Initialize the decision variables
q1 = m.Var(
lb=0 # the lower bound
q1.value=1 # most solvers run faster when you give a starting point
k = m.Var(
lb=0, # lower bound
ub=200 # upper bound
k.value=200 # this is our first guess to speed up the solution
What happened to $ K \leq \bar{K} = 200 $?
275*q1 - 140*((q1**2)/k) - 100*k
m.solve(disp=False) # silencing the out put because it is diagnostic
The output from the model is just the choice variables so we need to calculate profit and labor:
profit = (275*q1.value[0] - 140*((q1.value[0]**2)/k.value[0]) - 100*k.value[0])
l1 = q1.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
(note that I'm rounding here)
print('q1 ', int(q1.value[0]))
print('l1 ',int(l1))
print('K ', int(k.value[0]))
print('profit ', int(profit))
q1 196 l1 192 K 200 profit 7008
Let's refer to the prices as "P", and the labor and capital costs as "C" $$ \Pi(P,C) \equiv + 300 \times q_2 - 170 \times L_2 - 100 \times K $$ $$ q_2 \leq \sqrt{L_2 \times K} $$ $$ K \leq \bar{K} = 200 $$
We make a similar substitution here:
$$ \Pi(P,C) \equiv + 300 \times q_2 - 170 \times \frac{q_1^2}{K} - 100 \times K $$$$ K \leq \bar{K} = 200 $$# same set up repeated to clean out 'm'
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
q2 = m.Var(name="q2", lb=0)
k = m.Var(name="k", lb=0, ub=200)
300*q2 - 175*((q2**2)/k) - 100*k
profit = (300*q2.value[0] - 175*((q2.value[0]**2)/k.value[0]) - 100*k.value[0])
l2 = q2.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
(note that I'm rounding here)
print('q2 ', int(q2.value[0]))
print('l2 ',int(l2))
print('K ', int(k.value[0]))
print('profit ', int(profit))
q2 171 l2 146 K 200 profit 5714
Let's refer to the prices as "P", and the labor and capital costs as "C" $$ \Pi(P,C) \equiv 275 \times q_1 + 300 \times q_2 - 140 \times L_1 - 170 \times L_2 - 100 \times K $$ $$ q_1 \leq \sqrt{L_1 \times K} $$ $$ q_2 \leq \sqrt{L_2 \times K} $$ $$ K \leq \bar{K} = 200 $$
Again both constraints allow us to eliminate $L_1$: $$ \Pi(P,C) \equiv 275 \times q_1 + 300 \times q_2 - 140 \times \frac{q_1^2}{K} - 170 \times \frac{q_1^2}{K} - 100 \times K $$ $$ K \leq \bar{K} = 200 $$
# reset gekko
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
# Initialize the decision variables
q1 = m.Var(name="q1", lb=0)
q2 = m.Var(name="q2", lb=0)
k = m.Var(name="k", lb=0, ub=200)
# write the objective function and solve
275*q1 - 140*((q1**2)/k)
+ 300*q2 - 175*((q2**2)/k)
- 100*k
# quick calcs to clean things up
profit = (
275*q1.value[0] - 140*((q1.value[0]**2)/k.value[0])
+ 300*q2.value[0] - 175*((q2.value[0]**2)/k.value[0])
- 100*k.value[0]
l1 = q1.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
l2 = q2.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
(note that I'm rounding here)
print('q1 ', int(q1.value[0]))
print('l1 ',int(l1))
print('q2 ', int(q2.value[0]))
print('l2 ',int(l2))
print('K ', int(k.value[0]))
print('profit ', int(profit))
q1 196 l1 192 q2 171 l2 146 K 200 profit 32723
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
q1 = m.Var(name="q1", lb=0)
q2 = m.Var(name="q2", lb=0)
k = m.Var(name="k", lb=0, ub=200)
200*q1 - 140*((q1**2)/k) - 100*k
m.solve(disp=False) # silencing the out put because it is diagnostic
profit = (
- 140*((q1.value[0]**2)/k.value[0])
- 100*k.value[0]
l1 = q1.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
print('q1 ', int(q1.value[0]))
print('l1 ',int(l1))
print('K ', int(k.value[0]))
print('profit ', int(profit))
q1 0 l1 0 K 0 profit 0
What does this mean?
What does this mean? This means that a firm that only produces Q1 should not produce it at this price, given this cost structure. What does this mean for a firm that produces Q2? What should they do? enter the market for Q1 or not?
# set up
def Pi1(q1):
return 200*q1 - 140*((q1**2)/200)
def Pi2(q2):
return 300*q2 - 175*((q2**2)/200)
Pq1=Pi1(q1)- 100*200
Pq2=Pi2(q2)- 100*200
plt.plot(q1,Pq1,label='Profit (q1)')
plt.plot(q1,Pq2,label='Profit (q2)')
plt.axhline(0, color='grey')
plt.title('Profit with k=200 and P1=200')
Now we are back to the multiproduct firm
# Let's look at the two together
# reset gekko
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
# Initialize the decision variablesc
q1 = m.Var(name="q1", lb=0)
q2 = m.Var(name="q2", lb=0)
k = m.Var(name="k", lb=0, ub=200) # this is the constraint
k.value=200 # this is our first guess to speed up the solution
200*q1 - 140*((q1**2)/k)
+ 300*q2 - 175*((q2**2)/k)
- 100*k
profit = (
200*q1.value[0] - 140*((q1.value[0]**2)/k.value[0])
+ 300*q2.value[0] - 175*((q2.value[0]**2)/k.value[0])
- 100*k.value[0]
l1 = q1.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
l2 = q2.value[0]**2/k.value[0]
print('q1 ', int(q1.value[0]))
print('l1 ',int(l1))
print('q2 ', int(q2.value[0]))
print('l2 ',int(l2))
print('K ', int(k.value[0]))
print('profit ', int(profit))
q1 142 l1 102 q2 171 l2 146 K 200 profit 20000
# Create data for the plot
def bigPi(q1,q2,k=200):
return 200*q1 - 140*((q1**2)/k)+ 300*q2 - 175*((q2**2)/k) - 100*k
Q1, Q2 = np.meshgrid(q1, q2)
Pi12 = bigPi(Q1,Q2)
# Create the figure and add a 3D axis
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the data
ax.plot_surface(Q1, Q2, Pi12)
# Set axis labels and show the plot
Profit = np.where(Pi12>0,Pi12,np.nan)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(Q1, Q2, Profit)